OK, so I am committed to do better with this blog and keep updated on work, fun and friends. I got to do a quick shoot for a very fun couple (Rosemary and Howard Lee) who wanted a photo with one of their bikes for a matted sign in frame at their reception. These two were such good sports… literally. We had set up for them to ride out here to Riverwalk from Orange County and it was cloudy and threatened rain. I was sure they were going to get caught in the rain on their bike and kept waiting for their call to re-schedule but here they pull up ready to go. We had a great cloud cover for some gorgeous pictures and they were both so great to work with. Rosemary told me she seems to have a blessing of good weather whenever she really needs it. She told me later that they actually made it all the way back home before the rain started. I believe her “good weather blessing” because it started raining out here minutes after they left and they must have just been out running it the whole way home. You can see that they were both great looking but anyone who knows me knows I was drooling over the bike! I contemplated cutting my fees for a trade of taking his bike for a ride but it has been a lot of years and I thought it best to just look and not touch. What a fun morning. Here are just a few shots so you can see the hot bike….I mean couple…Tee Hee Hee!